Have a look at Cyrille’s art job, design student and French artist

Written by PlayboyTVEurope, 18 December 2018

We are very pleased to present an original workshop of a talented French artist. Cyrille was a TV reporter and decided to pursue his career in graphic arts.
Cyrille reveals today how he feels Playboy TV and offers a new vision of the brand :

Photos studios :

Models :

Few words from Cyrille a.k.a 1C2LE :
portrait 1c2le
“J’imagine et réalise mes visuels comme des œuvres d’art invitant à la rêverie.
Heureux d’être soutenu et retenu comme artiste français par PLAYBOY TV EUROPE.
Merci à Playboy d’aimer les artistes.”

“I imagine and create visual designs to be as close as dreamy pieces of art.
Very glad to be supported as a French artist by PLAYBOY TV EUROPE. Thank you very much Playboy for loving artists.”